Original Post
"Up the stairs" - single competition

In this replay competition, in which you have to go
up the stairs. Sounds quite simple, isn't it?

1) 2500 tc for the best climbing the stairs.
I will chose the winner myself or with the poll thread.
2) Extra 5000tc for realistic & flawless going up the stairs.
(It's nightmare difficulty, but I belive in miracles)

Rules: You can clamber, grab, but you should not Jump!

Mod: stairfightnoforce.tbm
Distance: -1230
Rotation: 180
Height: 0
Dismemberment: 1

Alternative settings: (better camera view)
Distance: 1230
Rotation: 0
And you move with uke
Last edited by Hector; Apr 25, 2008 at 08:50 PM.
i know this is a old thread but no one i shall bring this thread back to live!!! ok heres the video of the clip
do you except body parts being throwned?
click to image to see the clip of the replay
Yeah same here. I give it a go soon
I have left Toribash, but will drop in occasionally on the forums and IRC. Still in Sigma.
Hector = my hero.

I will make a replay, I will, no doubt fail, but I will make a replay regardless.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Ahh finally
This is soo hard!

Hope i win (which i likely wont
Attached Files
stairs.rpl (148.5 KB, 38 views)
Co Leader of Hell-Razor