Original Post
A way to save ur buddies list and your replays
-This is the first time i posted a turotial maybe im not so good at this but ill try-
Ive been keeping this a secret till now.
When you download a new version of toribash DO NOT DELETE UR OLD ONE
first go to your old toribash game file as so in this picture

Then to your data file or replay file (in replays file find your replays and paste them in the new one same goes for the buddies list)
Here in your data file you can find your buddies list just copy and paste it in the new version's data same goes for the replay
Last edited by reimar420; Nov 7, 2008 at 12:42 PM. Reason: wrong title
Moreover, nothing prevents from installing directly the new update in the old folder.
Not to be advised on a version upgrade like 3.5 to 3.6 but for minor versions like 3.62 to 3.63 (example) you might just install in the folder 3.6, keeping all textures, replays, etc.

Comment concerning the tutorial itself :
I think some text misses between step 1 and step 2.
By the way you described step2 I guess the idea was to copy/paste elements from the previous version. But it is not clearly written ^^

Good effort though.
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Well, someone did it.=D
But everyone knew that and I think most people should leave their replays and start fresh.