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Applying Textures in Blender
Applying Textures on Blender

  1. Head over to the materials panel.
  2. Hit Add New. In some cases you already have a material applied so just leave it there.
  3. Find the Texture part on it and hit Add new there, you’ll come up with the following image(without the words “Texture Panel”):
  4. When you’re mapping the texture onto a tori part in the ToriBlender Rig, you’ll want it as UV. It as already set as UV in the Toriblender Rig. So… you’ll go to the Map Input tab, then click the UV button to set it to map in UV coordinates. If you do not want it mapped UV you can experiment with the different mapping techniques
  5. Now head to the Texture Panel. Click the highlighted Button.
  6. You’ll find the texture type as none. In the Toriblender rig, it’ll already be set for you as image. When you want to use an image for a texture, you’ll set it as “Image”. Shown in the picture.
  7. To the right, you’ll see that it says “Load” Click that. It’ll open up a browser for you to find your image. Once you’ve found your Image hit Select Image.
  8. If you do not have the Load button, you probably have a texture already set. If it isn’t the texture you want, click the folder button in that part.
  9. Congratulations, you have applied your texture to your object. At first you may notice that the texture has not appeared yet. It will not appear in Solid Mode so change it to shaded. (Warning: If the model is very high detailed, or has many polygons… The program may hang trying to calculate the lighting. But, your texture may not show up well in there. It will once you render it.)
  10. Try out the multiple ways of “rendering”
  11. To do the Final Render for a single still image go…
  12. Now set the End number from 250 to 1. This sets the amount of frames to render in a scene.
  13. Last, Hit CTRL + F12 to do the “nice” render. You’ll find your image normally in “C:Tmp”
This concludes the tutorial. Info on lamps coming soon.
Don't read this.
Nice tut... this helped alot bro =]
Clan/Org's: [GATA] /[Wushu Leaguevl.2] [Jolly Roger]
<b[No]Stupinator>: Wat server with so many grat players
<b[No]Stupinator>: I Notice you Ofi :D
<WL[JollyR]Ofillusion>: Im awsome stup?
<b[No]Stupinator>: Oyea:D
hmmm, i do it a different way.
^garblejfidlssja beflijfdsl baeufkh dsjlinuefjdsl
I will have to try this way out some time I Cut and map the 3D image >.< this way seems a bit easyer
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