Weekend Bash
Original Post
How to Register & Login
Q: How do I register to Toribash?
A: Registration is easy, and when you register on the forums or in game, your account will work both on the forums and in game. Follow the video along, or the steps below the video.

A) Click "Register"
B) Enter a Username, Password (Make sure this password is secure. More information.), and Email (Please use a real email address, this will help with security issues. Toribash will not send you spam mail, you can make a new email account if you are worried about giving Nabi your email.)
C) Read the 'anti bot' message and do as it says.
D) Read the terms, and accept them.
E) Done.

>More Information<

Q: How do I login to the Toribash forums?
A: Just follow this video, or the steps below the video.

A) In the top right, enter your user name and password.
B) Click Login.
C) Done.

Polish translation

Portuguese translation

Spanish translation

Last edited by firebolty; May 29, 2012 at 05:24 AM. Reason: Added translations to OP, made some changes to fit the recent updates.