Weekend Bash
-snip- Backdooring moderation

Last edited by Ezeth; Jan 3, 2014 at 03:01 AM.
funny blue smiling person
please to be enjoying lowkido
let's bring minibash back!
I use this daily .. thanks so much.
Btw .. if any admin wants to update the first post , here is the joint code for Magma : 0;0 128 1 128 2 128 3 128 4 128 5 128 6 128 7 128 8 128 9 128 10 128 11 128 12 128 13 128 14 128 15 128 16 128 17 128 18 128 19 128 20 0
I might come back soon, stay tuned !
I've tested some stuff and filled out some Unknown spaces.

The 16th number is for Damage
The 17th number is for Hair Color


Updated item code:
ITEM 0;[Blood] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Unknown] [DQ Ring] [Ghost] [Unknown] [Timer] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Name/score] [Unknown] [Emote] [Grip] [Damage] [Hair Color] [Unknown]
The number after 13 is for Right Butt
The number after 14 is for Left Butt
(These small boxes connect glutes with hips)


Updated Bodcol code:
BODCOL 0;0 [Head] 1 [Breast] 2 [Chest] 3 [stomach] 4 [Groin] 5 [Right Pec] 6 [Right Bicep] 7 [Left Tricep] 8 [Left Pec] 9 [Left Bicep] 10 [Left Tricep] 11 [Right Hand] 12 [Left Hand] 13 [Right Butt] 14 [Left Butt] 15 [Right Thigh] 16 [Left Thigh] 17 [Left Shin] 18 [Right Shin] 19 [Right Foot] 20 [Left Foot]
Gradcol1 & 2:
The number after 4 is for Stomach
The number after 5 is for Groin
The number after 13 is for Right Butt
The number after 14 is for Left Butt

Updated Gradcol Codes:
GRADCOL1 0;0 [Unknown] 1 [Unknown] 2 [Unknown] 3 [Unknown] 4 [Stomach] 5 [Groin] 6 [Right Bicep] 7 [Left Tricep] 8 [Left Pec] 9 [Left Bicep] 10 [Left Tricep] 11 [Right Hand] 12 [Left Hand] 13 [Right Butt] 14 [Left Butt] 15 [Right Thigh] 16 [Left Thigh] 17 [Left Shin] 18 [Right Shin] 19 [Right Foot] 20 [Left Foot]
GRADCOL2 0;0 [Unknown] 1 [Unknown] 2 [Unknown] 3 [Unknown] 4 [Stomach] 5 [Groin] 6 [Right Bicep] 7 [Left Tricep] 8 [Left Pec] 9 [Left Bicep] 10 [Left Tricep] 11 [Right Hand] 12 [Left Hand] 13 [Right Butt] 14 [Left Butt] 15 [Right Thigh] 16 [Left Thigh] 17 [Left Shin] 18 [Right Shin] 19 [Right Foot] 20 [Left Foot]
Last edited by sery; Jan 4, 2015 at 11:16 AM.
Plz Help!!
I want to put a Daimyo Hat on Uke. Any suggestions on how to do it?
Winners never quit and quitters never win...
~Pranav123 the EARTH PANTHER~

uke's item.dat

edit these lines

to this code:
HAIR0 0; 1 1 0 95 0 3 10 80 20 1 56 1 16 10 0 0
HAIR1 0; 1 8 0 297 0 6 3 24 46 18 1 100 16 12 48 40

When I took the pictures I had all effects (including hair) turned off.

ACTUAL uke's item.dat

But you still have to switch hair0 and hair1 with the ones I included
Last edited by sery; Feb 4, 2015 at 07:45 PM.