Weekend Bash
[center] requesting a tutorial on how to utilize the Flame Forge.
I know Fnugg made one already, but it was just a general outline of the tools inside, not how to apply them.
Would be greatly appreciated.
Originally Posted by GreyWhite View Post
I could not find a tutorial about how to get QI / Belt higher (like speed leveling)

Jousting, Quick aikido?

Just play a lot.
Owner of Fred
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
can u do a tutorial on how to download scripts please? I have looked everywhere but no one has made a decent one that makes sense.
Originally Posted by llamaepic View Post
can u do a tutorial on how to download scripts please? I have looked everywhere but no one has made a decent one that makes sense.

I'm not sure whether this is worth a tutorial thread so I guess I'll just reply to it here.

Firstly, go into the Scripts tab under the event banners and find the script you want to install.
Once you've found your script click it and save it in your "Toribash\data\script" folder.

If you don't know where that is

Once you've installed the script go to Setup, Utils and then Scripts then from there run the script.

I'll add pics if you still don't know how to do it.
Originally Posted by LucidSpore View Post
[center] requesting a tutorial on how to utilize the Flame Forge.
I know Fnugg made one already, but it was just a general outline of the tools inside, not how to apply them.
Would be greatly appreciated.

I'd like to bring this up, if a well done tutorial is not already made and posted yet. I'm not quite sure. I would appreciate this.
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