Wait, how do you make the background of the logo and stuff transparent?

Also, does it have to be 128 by 128 too?
OK9, just edit the files in gimp. Then (very important) Save-as->filename->replace->NO RLA Compression.

As for transparency, just edit the layer opacity settings.
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body
I have the same problem. I have a picture, the same size as the background, and I saved it as a .tga, no RLE compression in GIMP. Didn't work. there are just pink squares, and nothing at all.
I'm having that same problem with the header and the logo everything else is fine, but i can't get transparency on the header or logo, and, instead of just the part I want to see, it shoes the entire image, so I'm just stumped...
any help would be appreciated!
(the Targa image is at a 32 resolution image without compression and i do, "save-as > (filename) > replace, and then the 32 resolution(I'm using Photoshop)
Last edited by sauer; Feb 2, 2010 at 12:40 AM.

How do you actually change the font? Every time I rename the file to the font I want, TB won't open.