My Youtube channel : Mocucha Toribash
Ok, but who defines what "being good" is? Its a pretty relative thing as far as i can see
I have seen people get very good, very quickly several times. Some people just take to the game more quickly, or get taught well.
But what's good?
I can't speak for anyone else, but I think the threshold for "good" (not great/elite) is you must have control over your tori, understand how movement works (physics+joint control) to move into the positions you want. Simply: don't flail all the time.
Seeing a video like this lets me reflect on these fundamentals, and for me it's particularly interesting because I learned from the improv method.
For beginners, it lets them know what the fundamentals are, and what they need to work on in order to improve. But there is no ceiling to this, there is always room to improve
Many new players ask "how do I get better" or "how can I be good", and the answers often fall short because that question doesn't really apply to tb, they just don't know how to move yet.
I suspect the reason for the thread title "How to be better at Toribash Fast" is because it's what most new players want to know. They just want to know how to move so they can enjoy the game.
Once a player has the fundamentals down they can focus on things like tactics, make choices between different movements, to block attacks and to trick your opponent, and so on. There are also many metas for the different mods, and really there's no end to the progression of the various skills involved with tb. And to many, above all of that is style. Style is an endless endeavor.
But that stuff is 'intermediate' and above. There are a lot of advanced tb players, maybe 'experienced' is a better word... but most will make mistakes sometimes, even the 'elite' players, of which there aren't too many. Toribash is hard and easy in this way.