Original Post
The Beginners Guide on Clans.
Hello, and welcome to the Beginners Guide on Clans.
I will be Guiding you on how you should start
out in the World of Clans.

Why I decided to Make This?
I already know there is a small tutorial on
how to make a clan in the clan discussion forum.
But, I haven't seen anything anywhere on what you should do
when you first start out.

So this will help you understand, and
guide you on your way to
making, and successfully becoming a
official clan.

You're First Steps.

Step 1. The beginner.
Do not make a clan if you are new to Toribash.
This is not a good idea at all.
You do not have the required experience
that is needed, and expected from the Toribash
clan community.

Step 2. Official clans.
Look for a good official clan.
Do not think that all official clans will
turn down new players. In fact, quite a few clans
look for new blood. Though
This doesn't mean you should try for a really
high standard clan. You should probably try
to get noticed by a clan instead. Try playing
with some official clans in-game, or
using irc. These are some way to
get noticed, but really, you have figure out
your own way. Just remember, don't give up.

Step 3. Study.
After you make it into a official
clan, the important part starts. Study.
You need to study how the clan works,
runs, and how the leaders do things.
Once you are in, and you are comfortable
With the clan, and it's members, start sharing your
ideas with the clan. If they have a suggestion
thread, use it. If you have idea you really want
to get noticed, make a thread within their forum,
with the leaders permission of course

Do not be afraid to express you ideas
to help that clan, or things you might not like.
This is important to growing into a
powerful leader. If the leaders show interest
in you, you might end up a Co Leader or more
perhaps depending on the clan.

Step 4. Moving on.
If you are not going anywhere in your
clan, and you think it's time to move on
You should most likely go clanless.
During this time, you should think about
your next move, either find a new clan,
or make one. But you should not
quit and make a clan or join another
within a short time. this is considered clan hopping.
You should take your time, and wait

Time to Make a Clan.

If you followed all the steps above, and
you were successful, then you should be ready
for this.

Thinking of a Name and Theme.
You're going to need a name and theme.
You should start with your theme
first. Keep in mind it should be totally
original, and catchy. After you
have a good theme, you should find
a name to fit it.

My old was XIII.
Our theme was to only have 13 members
at a time.
So the name came natural.
So if your clan theme was...
A clan based of Wushu perhaps.
A name like Wushu monsters
or something better perhaps would be fitting.

See simple, just take your time
and don't jump at the first name you think of.
Have a few ideas and wait and sleep on them a bit.

Making the DSC.
Okay, by now you should have a name,
and theme. And now it's time to move on
to the DSC. First you should have it all planed out
And you should have your banner made before you
even start typing. After you put up your banner, and
any other things you might want to add to make
the DSC pretty, Start typing and making your DSC

formatting a DSC can be quite hard.
So I will show you a example

Click here

that is my old clan DSC. You
should make a clean, pretty DSC like that.
But that is just a example, it isn't the best DSC
ever made. Keep in mind, make the DSc stand out.

Recruiting Members.
This is a very important part
in leading clan.
You're members reflected your clan image.
If they are immature, and disrespectful,
then that's how your clan will look.
You should set high standards based
off of your own skill and standards.
This way you will match and will have
loyal, strong clan members.

I suggest look for people who are
not in clans, look for skill and once you find
someone, Become friends, and eventually invite
them to your clan.

Another way is to use the clan event thread
located here
You can post about how your clan is recruiting
Use these to start off recruiting
and find your own way down the road.

Becoming Official.
Becoming official is a whole new step
for your clan. You must be ready first.

You're clan should be at least 1 week.
But I suggest 3 or 4 weeks if not more
before you send in for officialness.

You're clan should have at least 4 active members.
More the better but i wouldn't go over board with a
huge number of members.
The more you have, the harder it is to manage your clan.
I would suggest 10 or before sending in for officialness

You need 50,000 tc.
Yes that is alot, but if you work together
with your clan, you will be able to make it.

After you have all these requirements.
It's time to send it in
currently the ones to send to are
Delaid, and Lightningkid.

Send 50,000 and a application to one of them
You're application should look like this.

Clan name: ( Your clan name)
Number of members: (Number of members)
Clan tag: ( Your tag)
Link to DSC: (Copy and paste a link to your DSC here)
Moderators: (Your name, and who who ever else you want)
Leader: (Your name)

Remember send your application
via pm.

After sending, it usually takes a 2 full weeks
for a a decision to be made.
do not keep asking every day if they have made they're

That's pretty much all you need to know.
Follow these steps, and the advice i have given you,
And you will make a successful clan.

Here is the link
to the clan discussion tutorial on
how to make a clan by Delaid.
I highly suggest you read that before you make a clan.

If you have any questions, post them here, or pm me.

you should also remember to make alot of friends before
you make a clan.

Thanks for reading, I hope this helped you.

Last edited by Mimic; Feb 10, 2010 at 07:34 AM.
<Jarmund>puta keppario
Cogito ergo sum
Ex-Tori Agent | OBT Member | [Reaper] | A.k.a. void/prada
FAQ: Who owns [insert clan tag]?
Answer: No-one, its a intellectual sub-community going under the same name, even if it legally has a founder, no-one owns the clan just like no-one owns slaves or people anymore.
Now doing recoloring for people not in the clan as-well, PM for more info!