Original Post
Updated Joint Numbers and States
Since I only found an incorrect version I just post the correct(version 3.86) here:


-- nr  joint             contract/left/raise   extend/right/lower

-- 0 = neck                       2                    1
-- 1 = chest                      2                    1
-- 2 = lumbar                     2                    1
-- 3 = abs                        1                    2
-- 4 = right pec                  2                    1
-- 5 = right shoulder             2                    1
-- 6 = right elbow                2                    1
-- 7 = left pec                   2                    1
-- 8 = left shoulder              2                    1
-- 9 = left elbow                 2                    1
-- 10 = right wrist               2                    1
-- 11 = left wrist                2                    1
-- 12 = right glute               1                    2
-- 13 = left glute                1                    2
-- 14 = right hip                 1                    2
-- 15 = left hip                  1                    2
-- 16 = right knee                2                    1
-- 17 = left knee                 2                    1
-- 18 = right ankle               1                    2
-- 19 = left ankle                1                    2

-- states

-- 1 = see above
-- 2 = see above
-- 3 = hold
-- 4 = relax
I like the formatting a lot better on this one, helps out for stuff like the shoulders.

Also don't forget that when setting joints, the playerindex is 0 for tori, and 1 for uke

Stickied for being more up to date than the previous one.
Last edited by Eleeleth; Feb 18, 2010 at 10:15 PM.
<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH