Original Post
Hi my name is Ampix.
Hey there guys. My name is Ampix and I literally just found out about this game. I'm an avid World of Warcraft player and one of my close friends just mentioned this game and it looked pretty interesting and fun on youtube so why not give it a try.

I don't Know how many people actually play this game or visit the forum but it seems like a pretty solid small cute-kind-of community and I like it. Some fun facts about myself: I was formerly born in Brazil and I moved to New York a year and a half ago without knowing a word in English, I also did not take any ESL Classes because I don't like being treated differently from the other kids so I pretty much learned everything off of my games. I also play football (not soccer, american football) and since I first tried I loved it. I've always been quite tall for a Brazilian kid (since everybody there is tiny, I'm 6'1) so I decided to give it a shot.

Anyway that's all I gotta say and I don't know how many people roam around this part of the forum but I just wanted to leave my hello out there to y'all. See you guys in game.
Hi Ampix. Im Tacticaled.
I hate World Of WarCraft and everyone who plays it also. same with mindcraft.
my friend was talking about this game one day, i thought it was a dumb browser game but i was WAY WRONG
Welcome to TB man
Gm's/Mods/Admins Are the Nerd Police
Originally Posted by SmallBowl View Post
Welcome, how do you learn a full new language from scratch from a game?!

exactly how i learned english just by playing AOE2 at 5 years
Hey Ampix, I'm Goat.
You should stick around, we have a lot of cool cats and goats on these forums. There are some Portuguese speakers in game players but on the forums it's only English and Russian.

I'm a musician and goat.