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Possible ban for trail?
I'm wondering if i can get banned for this, because somebody said I could. If i have a Nazi swastika as my trail (I find Nazi Germany a very interesting place and enjoy researching it) could i get a ban for it?

He said it's racist, but I feel like that's like saying the Rebel Flag is racist.
Yes, this will get you banned.
To some it will seem offensive, and you very well know that.
For Germans this means racist and an offensive mark. I think you can get banned for it.
I remember someone asking if they could have any type of swastika on their texture, and the answer was no.
Fukin spice and wolf
A swastika is counted as racism either way. Same counts for any of the Nazi symbols. If I see somthing like that ingame a ban always follows.
Check my Soundcloud ;)
Originally Posted by Complexity View Post
A swatstika is also an asian symbol though

The symbol originally meant 'progress', but it's meaning was distorted to be used as the Nazi symbol. Whether you like it or not, the symbol's actual meaning changed, and nowadays, it only represents nazism.

deal with it
Last edited by Rial; Aug 18, 2014 at 12:56 AM.
it still at one point represented asian cultures and could still be used to represent asian cultures, those fucking museums in washington dc taught me something
Originally Posted by Complexity View Post
it still at one point represented asian cultures and could still be used to represent asian cultures, those fucking museums in washington dc taught me something

this guy even said he is interested in nazi germany so I think we know that he isnt using it to show off an asian symbol.