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[REL] Atmospheres Script
The "Atmospheres" lua scripts for Toribash can simulate an environenment, to add "stages" in TB like in all others fighting games.

Third Public Release : 2.1.0

[Download Here]

Official Trailer :

Features & changes
  • WORKS WITH TB3.8 and TB3.91 !!!
  • New User Interface, fully independant from DeScript. Faster and smoother than before.
  • One minor new atmosphere : Winter Daylight, derived from Winter Night
  • Faster atmospheres loading
  • And still : integrated video recorder, automatic launch...

How to Install :

Download the zip archive.
Copy the zip file in your data/script/ directory. Usually : C:\Games\Toribash-3.91\data\script
Extract the archive. DO NOT EXTRACT in a new directory : you have to use the "Extract Here" option, and not "Extract to atmo.2.1.0/". So after that, if you don't have a folder named "atmo" in your "data/script/" folder, you did something wrong.
Launch TB and type in the console :
/ls atmo/src/setup.lua
You should see a message saying installation is finished, and that you must restart TB. If not, you did something wrong, post here the error you get, and I'll try to fix it.

So, restart TB. You can now launch the Atmospheres menu by typing in the console :
Enjoy !

Official Blog :

Use this thread to post any idea of an atmosphere you wanna have for an upcoming version.
Stay realistic :
  • I can only add ~300 objects to the 3D scene, and only cylinders (capsule, in fact, like Tori's legs), spheres, boxes, disks.
  • I CANNOT apply a texture to a 3D object.
  • This isn't modding, there is no collision with the additional elements.
  • The sun/moon, the floor and the sky are set like with a regular .inc shader.
Last edited by Melmoth; Nov 3, 2011 at 02:40 PM. Reason: Release 2.1.0 !
I saw that it said "Shaders must be ON", is there no way to make it work without them?
Also, it looks brilliant, good work
Without the shaders, you can have the additional elements (trees, flakes, flying leaves, etc.) but the floor and the sky will stay white. You need to support shaders to change the colours of the floor and the sky
You could always draw a floor when shaders are off.