Originally Posted by Gruszex View Post
Also Shook, did you draw portrait of Lester The Molester?
Tick tock, here comes the cock :P

Originally Posted by Shook View Post
... who?

He's referring to one of Grand Theft Auto V's characters. His name is Lester.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
I don't play GTA5, so uhh... :v

also today i played with circles


<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
And they don't even slow down the game or interfere with gameplay any more than the explosions already do. :v

that, and DINOSAUR

<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Please take a career in digital design or animation of some sort

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
I'd like to, but it's kind of hard to get my foot indoors anywhere. There's also not an awful lot of relevant educations that don't require you to be a VERY COMPETENT artist already. :U (don't know if my skill level is adequate, but my portfolio certainly isn't)
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
How long does it usuall take you to make a drawing^^?
And I am curious how good a drawing of you would be if you took 10 times as much time as you usually do C:

Klein Bottles only have one surface so they are the easiest thing to clean

Depends on how pretty i want it to be. It can be anywhere from 10 minutes to 2 hours, so that's already a factor 12. :v
Basically, when i go up to and above one hour, that's when you get things like sordsnaek and ink dragon. I don't care enough to spend more than two hours on pretty much anything, so i doubt you'll be seeing any 10 hour pieces from me any time soon. (unless you're willing to commission it for $250 :v)
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Hi Shook, have your ever visited Finland?


Please bring back Organiζations board
10/10 dragon would fave if i could

Also no, haven't yet visited FINLAND, LAND OF THE "ARM + KNIFE" SAFETY RADIUS. Will probably have to at some point, at the very least because i should hear the arcane language with my own ears, though i'm sure there's more interesting stuff to be found. :v

also welp i might be getting sick so that's just great
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol