wait u can edit uke i think
go to custom go to uke then put in your own stuff

2nd black belt
Right now my uke has toxic gradients, head text, titan force, vampire relax, and toxic trails
Team America|7th Dan|
o yea, and uke had that color combo too in addition to the others i mentioned before
[Colon 3]
in my different toribash versions (3.72-3.86) they all different

2nd black belt
really? thats cool, anyways u can change uke to watever u want him to look like
[Colon 3]
my uke, is well, hard too tell, theres a head over there, its green, gah, what Is THAT, i cant tell, theres just this, SEA of parts, and , joints, and bl00d, hmm, i think i won the match
Well, two pages of posts and not one answer how it happens. Disappointing...
Anyway, what really causes this is when you're in a fight and you exit out while it's still loading or whatever. I don't know when it does it because it doesn't always do this, but it has for me, and I found out what caused it.
So no, it's not some update or anything, it's just a little glitch.
Answered, so I'll close this. Let me know if you need it open again.
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