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Multiplayer help
Hey im new to toribash i wen i try to connect to a sever it wont let me it just sits there saying not connected.
Can someone help?
it's either your connecting to higher QI ranked servers or your fire wall is blocking the acsess to the servers
It could be a timeout issue, so long as your allowed to use the server if it refuses then keep trying.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
i cant play multiplayer and wen i try to join server its says not connected but then wen i try to folow wat it says in the other thread it wont help coz im not a nerd hu knows where his firewall is so if u could help me add me on msn [email protected] and guide me through getting on toribash online thanks
so i figured out how to do the firewall thing but it still says not connected.
wat do i do now?

Also my stderr says this:
failed to load texture data/textures//menu
no such key sumo
no such key rpg
Unable to open replay/exit.rpl
no such key sumo
no such key rpg

wats rong?