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Voice chat
I mean like wouldnt it be cool to use a mic ingame?
Like in other games you hold a button and while you hold it you can speak into your microphone and talk to the other players.
It would make the game alot funnier and for the ones spamming or better said screaming off your ears with their microphones there could be a massvote mute means the player would get muted for the room for like lets say a hour?
Dont know if it has been suggested yet so i think this would be very interesting.
If you have suggestions how to make this better or why this isnt good share them here.
It could be very funny, it needs to just add the button either command /mute <username> ~ for those people who annoys ~ Supported
It is like a CS... voice in chat.

I don't like that ideia because you can "spam" with your voice...
WILL BE A COOL IDEA IF, add a option to disable or enblame voice chat...
There would need to be a way to record for all the racist stuff, etc! How would that work? :O I like the idea because you can actually communicate effectively. Woot
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
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why add more data/traffic to the game?, it will not make the actual fighting any better.

just imagine all the rage. 10yr olds tantrums......
just imagine all the ppl who will put on horrible music.
(o the dubstep.... pls pls pls don't add voice)
- ppl can skyper or one of the other gamevoicechat client programs....

if u do go ahead an look into voicechat, against my better judgement, atleast gimme a mute - i like the sounds that are in TB now, i dont wanna have to play on mute.
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"data/traffic to the game"
are you serious?

Voice chat is not a bad idea, go ahead and join any TF2 server or any CoD server, you won't experience lag, or horrible people (Although, if your ping is high, you will experience lag)

Also, voice chat rage is better than text rage because it actually shows who you are, so people wont take as much offence as text based rage, and also, people can't put on music, the only reason you think of that is because you have experienced it in a different game

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Originally Posted by ViperTech View Post
Skype, Teamspeak, xfire, mumble..there a lots of voice chat tools for gamers, why adding it directly to the game?
If needed I set up a TeamSpeak 3 server at my VPS but anyway, no need for having it coded into the game

"Hey game designer, instead of designing a solid game why dont you go ahead and just let people use third party programs instead. cause you know, its easier to just be a lazy shit. Next time you want to connect to a server just make a popup box saying,"do it yourself and set up hamachi to play my game. thanks.""
And I think thats really good idea, much better communication. But ofc it needs some options like mute, record etc.
~RIP [Vector], Shikkumo's butthole
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