Original Post
How To Make A Decent Wood Texture (Large Images)
I recently started using a wood texture as a replacement for when Im not using a set, and people started claiming that I just copy-pasted a wood texture from google images.

I made it from scratch, and to prove that, Im making this tutorial.

What You Need:
- GIMP or Photoshop
- A use for a wood texture.

Ok, lets start.

First, create a 128x128 - 512x512 canvas.

Next, create your background color. This will be the base color that the texture will be colored to. Im using a dark tan.

Duplicate the colored layer, and select the dodge/burn tool.

Switch back and forth and just draw around on the top layer.

You should have something like this;

I don't know exactly where this filter is on Photoshop, but on GIMP, go to Filters/Noise/HSV Noise.

Click it and play around with the properties. Make sure to have "Holdness" On "1" and "Hue" on "0".

Make sure you don't go too crazy, all you want is some speckles all over the texture, not extremely distorted.

Remember the first layer we had? Repeat the HSV noise on that layer.

Now, go to Filters/Distort/Ripple, and select it. Remember to switch back to the top layer.

Play around with it until you have something you like. Remember to have "Retain Tilability" Checked and to have "Period" at around 10. You can have it going vertical or horizontal, It depends on what way you want the grain to be going.

Hit OK, and then lower the opacity on the top layer. this will make it blend with the bottom layer and make the grain less vibrant.

You are now done! Just merge the two layers and save the texture.

The Created Texture;

Will Look Like This:
Don't understand WHY you made a tutorial on making wood-like textures.

It's a good tutorial but kinda pointless
Zinx,Believe me evre single tutorial helps.

It only shows 1 way of making a texture, but it also shows you how to use few of the filters.
If you think twice this tutorial teaches you how to use 2 filters.

So before writing a message think first.

Thank You.
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