Original Post
Head problems!
I tried converting my .tga with the TB converter, but it came up with this:
E> Image data is not long enough

tga_header Object
[id_length] => 0
[map_type] => 0
[image_type] => 10
[color_map_entry_index] => 0
[color_map_length] => 0
[color_map_entry_size] => 0
[image_origin_x] => 0
[image_origin_y] => 0
[image_width] => 128
[image_height] => 128
[image_depth] => 32
[image_flip_height] => 0
[image_flip_width] => 0
[image_alpha_channel] => 1000
I am posting here because no one is taking notice of my problems in the tutorial forum.
Nobody is taking notice because problems go in Support, not Tutorials.

Anyways, I am confused on what you are trying to do with the head converter. I mean if all you are trying to do is convert maybe look at this Well -Typed Tutorial by Threevil (3vi1)
don't you have to put the tga through that to be able for it to be used?
also, when i put the head on to try it in SP, it doesn't show up
Just a note... If you have the head texture in the shop.. You dont need to convert. Only for the folder thing
<MaddMaxx10> I used to not have a life <MaddMaxx10> I do now
<stonewall> and so you're here <stonewall> yeah, perfect sense
make sure when you save the file there is no RLE compression
TeamSambo - [ R A W R ] - BnW

ccliu: If you have an uncompressed .tga, just upload it to the site. Don't use the converter at all. Make sure you've followed my instructions to the letter.
MadMaxx10: Safer as a .tga.
WeRd: Not the original problem at hand, but helpful nonetheless.
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."
i think i saved uncompressed.
i followed everyone's instructions and i uploaded it, and i downloaded the file. when i opened it, it was all black

no worry about that now, as i bought a head texture. i uploaded my head but it would not appear in game.
Last edited by ccliu; Apr 2, 2008 at 07:05 AM.