Original Post
Nabi EchoMarine's Forgotten Mode Tourney's (B) ~20k~
As the title suggests, it will be a series of knockout tournaments held by me and sponsored by Nabi, using forgotten modes


(People banned from all my following competitions and tournaments):


First Tourney: Judo Fracture
Second Tourney: Taek Kyon

Time and Date
02:00:00 p.m. GMT Sunday December 14, 2008 (Tomorrow)

Mode: Taek kyon

Server Name: EchoTourney

The server will be set up exactly an hour before the tourney to allow enough to enter


15k first
5k second


1-No spamming, No flaming, No marketing, No clan business, No begging, you will be warned once, then muted, then kicked
2-Talking in other languages is alright, just don't push it
3-If you ping out only I will let you in if you remember your number in the queue

Overseen by UncleanSp
Last edited by EchoMarine; Dec 14, 2008 at 03:07 PM.
Tourney is over

Winners are:

1st Place: Andreyoshi

2nd Place: Jimbo100


Please be patient while Nabi sends you the prizes

Tune in next time for my second Forgotten Mode tourney...some day