But brown belts should be able to play semi-pro, he's right there, isnt he?
Do you use the newest version?

edit: nevermind, didnt see that other thread.
Last edited by DarkVadder; Sep 2, 2008 at 08:35 PM.
<Balrog> Sorry

On-links are bad
OLDA are good
Me too, I'm also Brown Belt. What's the story? Seems to me they've changed the system -- the restriction used to be based on 709, now it's on 710 -- but the other servers are still on 709 (so I can't join Black Belt or Intermediate either).
If I'm recalling correctly, I believe someone said something along the lines that they are working on fixing that. I don't believe it is intended to block brown belts from the dedicated toribash rooms, just a little error when doing the settings for the rooms.

I'm hoping this post I read, which I'll try to locate now and edit with a link, was an official post as it's quite annoying to try to get into a decent private game that doesn't have one of the following:

- An admin that boots you for not being in his group of friends or his clan
- An admin that boots you for beating him
- An admin that resets matches just before the end of the fights so he can try again

If I can't find the reply, or it wasn't an official reply, I'll throw up 2 servers on my computer for brown belts to play Judo and Aikido on. I'll do my best to keep them up 24/7.

I'll set them up as soon as I get out of class if needed, the names will be "BrownBeltAikido" and "BrownBeltJudo". That is unless of course being logged into 2 seperate servers at the same time will get me banned, even if I am on spectate on one at all times. I'll have to look into that, if thats the case though, I'll just set up the aikido server.