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[WIP] Desktop Broadcaster
Hey everyone.
Just posting some early stuff about a new thing I'm starting on.

Super basic so far. All it does is check the broadcasts made and pops up a message from the tray. That way you can see if a new tourney is going down if you're neither ingame or on the forum.

Made in python and I'm sort of learning the libraries required as I'm doing it so that's been fun. No source yet but image of functionality. Lots of you guys could probably whip up something better faster but idgaf.

I'm also starting work on a market bot since they are allowed now. If anyone wants to get in on that send me a Pm.
How are you checking the broadcasts? via polling the api on the market, or sitting ingame?

Also I want to see your market bot thing.

ps: if you want to talk about coding stuff check out #foobar in irc. We bite, but not much.
<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH
It uses the broadcast page api.
Checks it every so often and if the newest broadcast is the same as the last one displayed it does nothing and checks again soon.
If it's different it displays the new broadcast and saves what was just displayed so that it can be used in the previous display check above.

Market bot will be a bit more difficult, at least to give good functionality to which will also hopefully make profit. It would be easy enough to get working but I'd have to sit down and really think hard about how it would decide on what to buy and sell and what price.
Indeed, coming up with a successful algorithm for a market bot would be difficult, especially since the market is so volatile.

e: A similar idea I've had is to apply the same line of thinking to ingame betting. It'd be easy to set parameters for when to bet, and how much. Then you just seed the bot account with a certain amount of TC and watch it go.
<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH
I'm looking into Snarl using PySNP. It's going well but there's not great documentation on PySNP and I can't figure out how to make it work like the default included Snarl apps like the clip Daemon for eg. Only way I can make it work at the moment is by running a loop in my python code to check for new broadcasts and then show a notification.

Thanks for the point in the direction, I'll keep working on it and if I ever figure it out it should be easy to expand to add notifications for Pms and all sorts of stuff (if a vBulletin thing doesn't exist for it already).

Only thing is that users need to have Snarl as far as I understand and I can't make this into a standalone program.