Original Post
Haven't done a replay thread in a while...
For good reason too, I suck.
Now, none of these to be taken seriously.

Twilrin' Swirlin' A small decap and some dancing. Lawl. After the initial punch, I tried hitting Uke but he didn't dismember, so I juggled him about for a bit.

BOOMMAGIC Some stupid replay hacking. Notice the slowly rotating Uke head.

Can't get cleaner Well, it could, I guess. I can't do backhands evar.

Justalittlesomething Now, this is a bit unpolished. The kick is one of the fastest speeds I've achieved so far, I couldn't get the angle of the kick right, so feel free to improve it.

Merry Christmas, I guess.
Last edited by OK9ZERA; Dec 15, 2008 at 11:57 AM.