Original Post
I'm So Confused
There are quite a number of things I am confused about on Toribash, first of all when i go to the scripts on the website it shows a load of code, how am i supposed to use that code in the game

Secondly,I need a lot of help with making a skin for my Tori, I have made the design and saved it butthe again the walkthroughs just give me a load of code to type and alter.

And lastly how on earth do I get worldbuilder? I read the tutorials say type "/LS worldbuilder.Lua" But type it where? I type it in the single player battle with Uke but it keeps saying "Disconnected. Lost contact with server." Am I not typing it in the right area

Any help would be much appreciated.
~ Adam
There are quite a number of things I am confused about on Toribash, first of all when i go to the scripts on the website it shows a load of code, how am i supposed to use that code in the game

Copy that code into notepad file, save it as e.g. script.lua and place in toribash>data>scripts. Then you can launch it from toribash menu (setup>scripts afair). You can also copy one of scripts from 'scripts folder' and delete everything and paste code, then save and launch it.

Secondly,I need a lot of help with making a skin for my Tori, I have made the design and saved it butthe again the walkthroughs just give me a load of code to type and alter.

I don't understand this question :|

And lastly how on earth do I get worldbuilder? I read the tutorials say type "/LS worldbuilder.Lua" But type it where? I type it in the single player battle with Uke but it keeps saying "Disconnected. Lost contact with server." Am I not typing it in the right area

Best way would be to either create file zzzz.lua in your scripts folder or copy one of scripts and rename it to zzzzz.
It's because TB has glitch which doesn't show last file in list (so it won't show that zzzz.lua). Then launch worldbuilder.lua from menu (as I described before in answer to prev. question)
btw. your problem probably lies in fact that you must type EXCACTLY /ls worldbuilder.lua, /ls worldbuilder.Lua will not work.
Last edited by JtanK; Oct 24, 2009 at 06:09 PM.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
You place the script in the folder "/data/scripts/" (unless otherwise specified) and you run them by going into the main menu, clicking setup then scripts.

Assuming that by saying skin you mean textures you need to buy textures or you put the images as .tga files in your custom folder and make it read only. Look at other custom folder to see how the tga files must be named.

Edit: Damn Ninjas
I mean i make the texture in GIMP then save but then I don't understand how you edit the code to change the Tori Character
You don't need to change any codes.
You need the textures as I mentioned before or you put them into our custom folder whcih would make them visible for you only.
Um wait. Afaik now items.dat code disallows to show texture images if you don't have items.

put textures in uke folder, he should let you see all of them. Just remember to make backup of uke's head ;P

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos