Originally Posted by osno1 View Post
eventually if you keep questioning or calling out this kind of behaviour you will have some staff members doxx you and leak your personal information to their friends in the game who then come in your discord/insta/whatever social media dms and threaten you with violence irl/swatting etc, and there is absolutely nothing u can do about it but just hope that they dont do anything too crazy. (it is like 50/50, i got swatted before as result of staff member doxxing me to their friends who dislike me in the game before, and other time i just had some morons come in my social media dms telling me to kill myself)

I just want to say I'm really sorry and upset about what you've been through.

I've played this game since I was a kid, and this is honestly one of the worst things I've ever read on this forum.

This game doesn't have a huge player base, so I can only imagine how tough this situation must be, especially when there aren't enough consequences for what's happened. In my experience, the game's moderation has always been fair, but if I had been young when I started playing and something like this happened to me, I'd probably run as far away from this site as possible.

You're not alone. There are a lot of kind and friendly people here, and most of them can be understanding and supportive. Even if it seems like you haven't received much support from others during this time, I promise you that the people responsible for this don't deserve any power in this game.

I don't think the entire staff is bad, but I do know that with enough charm, someone with harmful intentions can get themselves into a mod position.

If this hasn't already been reported to Nabi Studios, I think it's important to take action and seek the highest level of support.

Lastly, to those who tell others to "kill themselves," it's just childish and unnecessary. Those words can lead to really serious consequences in real life. Many games have users who use foul language and try to make you miserable, but if staff, past or present, are involved in this hateful speech, it's completely unacceptable and should be fully investigated.

Feel free to DM me if you need to talk.