Weekend Bash
If you start a duel and both players enter but you spectate before both players space for the first turn does it count?
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According to our lead, Creati0n, there is no time limit to spectate during the duel. This meaning the whole “first turn” thing is untrue. If you spectate at any time during a duel while both parties are entered, it is considered a loss.

You cannot spectate at any point while you are dueling unless it is during the replay.
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That makes zero sense, first turn would be during the time you do your opener and nothing has actually happened in the match most duelers accept this as rule anyways because it makes sense, why would you not be able to spectate before anything has actually happened?
~ raku ~ Team Girl Scouts ~ Clan League 2013 Champion ~ Duelist ~
Originally Posted by Natejas View Post
That makes zero sense, first turn would be during the time you do your opener and nothing has actually happened in the match most duelers accept this as rule anyways because it makes sense, why would you not be able to spectate before anything has actually happened?

Solely because there's no way for the Market Squad to differentiate whether or not a frame has passed during the match. If someone claimed to have spectated during the first turn, but his opponent claims otherwise, we wouldn't be able to make a proper judgement call.
this is impossible for most duelers though, because lets say you finished the game and you were about to spectate but the replay finished quick and is already started the next game, it's impossible to even do anything about that and basically meaning you're gonna lose 2 games in a row for a simple dumb replay shit
Originally Posted by JayBOOSTgg View Post
this is impossible for most duelers though, because lets say you finished the game and you were about to spectate but the replay finished quick and is already started the next game, it's impossible to even do anything about that and basically meaning you're gonna lose 2 games in a row for a simple dumb replay shit

Unfortunately that’s just something out of my scope of control; I have no information on what causes the replay to end quickly, I don’t know if it’s a bug/developer intention, and I can’t offer any information on how to bypass the issue. There’s still no way for me to differentiate between the two situations at all.

Drop a suggestion in Suggestions & Ideas to have the bug looked into, because I’d agree that it’s a big enough issue for the dueling community since there’s currently no automated system for item dueling.
This is another situation and stupid because of what you're saying anyone can easily say they spectated during the replays and not before frame one, like dude zzzzzzz
Originally Posted by JayBOOSTgg View Post
This is another situation and stupid because of what you're saying anyone can easily say they spectated during the replays and not before frame one, like dude zzzzzzz

That's fair enough; I just checked it out in-game and you're right: there's no way to call when someone spectated because there's no text that displays when a match starts. So, effective immediately:
When engaged in a duel, neither opponent is allowed to spectate at any point in time unless both users agree to a timeout.
  • If either opponent spectates without first making sure their opponent agrees to a timeout, their opponent gains one point to their overall score.

kinda surprised this hasn't been loopholed in the past five years

not a big fan of the policy, but if there's not an automated text that displays when a match starts then there's not much I can do to confirm when someone spectated.