Weekend Bash
Hi, please make sure you've checked your spam folder as system mail may end up there. I don't know if your mail provider has us in their block list, but you may also add [email protected] and [email protected] to your contacts there just to make sure email goes through.

If you still don't receive verification mail, please contact us at [email protected] using the email linked to your account to have it verified manually - though at that point you may consider switching your linked email as it likely means you won't be able to receive password recovery (if you ever need one in future) as well.
Originally Posted by sir View Post
Hi, please make sure you've checked your spam folder as system mail may end up there. I don't know if your mail provider has us in their block list, but you may also add [email protected] and [email protected] to your contacts there just to make sure email goes through.

If you still don't receive verification mail, please contact us at [email protected] using the email linked to your account to have it verified manually - though at that point you may consider switching your linked email as it likely means you won't be able to receive password recovery (if you ever need one in future) as well.

I checked the spam and tried adding the emails to my contacts but it didn't work, so I will change it back to my old email, thank you sir