Original Post
Flame Trails!
Okay, im assuming you have Toribash 3.7 Beta by now...

To start with, go into your Toribash 3.7 folder (Should be at C:\Game\Toribash-3.7) then go into the Custom Folder and then into your name... There should be a Item.dat file, open it in word. near the bottom of the file is FLAME0, change everything on its line to say this:
FLAME0 0;1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 5 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Go into Single Player and type /lp 0 "Your Name Here" and you should have flames, want to change the way they look? (Currently dont know colour codes sorry) Then use the guide below (The number represents which code, number one would mean the first number on that line etc) Every line is numbers, no words or letters

1 = UnKnown
2 = Spawn Point (Body part)
3 = Center Particle Intensity (internal halo)
4 = Center Particle Intensity
5 = Center Particle Intensity
6 = Alpha (or K value)
7 = Cyan
8 = Magenta
9 = Yellow
10 = Particle Halo size
11 = Flame Length (Seems to be modifier, out of 100%... Theres another length one further on...) Life span of particles
12 = Some kind of Transparency modifier? (1 Seems to be a white glow, no other value seems to change anything)
13 = Flame Size (Start of Flame, bottom)
14 = Flame Size (End of flame, top)
15 = UnKnown
16 = UnKnown
17 = UnKnown
18 = Particle Spread (Parralel with the arms)
19 = Particle Spread (Perpendicular to the arms)
20 = Particle Spread (Parralel with the legs)
21 = Gravity (Parralel with arms)
21 = Gravity (Perpendicular with arms)
21 = Gravity (Parralel with legs)
22 = UnKown
23 = Flame length (This seems to be and ACTUAL length so you can make bigger using this)
24 = Same as 23 (It seems anyways)
25 = Some kind of rotation (1 Seems to be only one that works)
26 = UnKnown
27 = UnKnown
28 = UnKnown
29 = UnKnown
30 = UnKnown
31 = UnKnown
32 = Adds extra flames (Split directions)
33 = UnKnown
34 = UnKnown

(Everything in different colour or Font was filled in by AvWave)

Here is your finished Flame Trail (Or Head)

Picture by Gubbin1
Last edited by Treacles; Feb 18, 2009 at 03:41 PM.
can someone post they're item.dat for me to use, cause mine is fuxed up, and also, can you use this for each one (FLAME0,FLAME1 etc.~) so we can have 5 trails?
Just copy someone elses (In your custom folder u should have hundreds) would be easier for both us (U couldjust copy mine, wont have flames though since its an unnoficial one lol)