Original Post
[Style] We need new members!

[Style] needs you!

Write your application here, clan leader will make a decision and you may be join to our clan!

What should contain the application:

1. Name/Nickname
2. Age
3. Your country
4. Belt
5. How long you play in Toribash
6. All your accounts (nickname/belt)
7. Your special skills (Art/video/replays)
if you have special skills post examples
8. In what mods you play the most?

And something about you

Good Luck!


[Style] нуждается именно в тебе!

Напиши свою заявку здесь, лидер клана вынесет свое решение и, возможно, ты пополнишь ряды нашего клана!

Что должна содержать заявка:

1. Имя/Ник
2. Возраст
3. Твоя родная страна
4. Твой пояс
5. Как долго ты играешь в Торибаш
6. Все твои аккаунты (ник/пояс)
7. Твои специальные умения (Рисуешь текстуры делаешь видео/риплеи)
Если у тебя есть специальные навыки, продемонстрируй нам их.
8. В какие моды ты играешь чаще всего

И что-нибудь о себе


4-Black Belt
5-2 years
6-vKASPERv/Black Belt
7-Создаю реплеи, Отлично владею акробатикой и паркуром(Могу продемонстрировать или показать видео-ролики), монтирую видеоролики.
8-В Паркур моды, моды с препятствиями, Моды со спортивными снарядами(Турники, козлы и т.д.)
1. Jake

2. 16

3. US

4. Blue Belt (150 games to Brown)

5. I've been playing since 3.99, but I just created this new account which will be my main.

6. My3ster7 (Blue) Lionspridde (Yellow)

7. I'm great at editing. I have the full version of Sony Vegas and know how to make amazing montages. If you ever need a montage, hit me up.

[Don't have example as I have never done a toribash montage, but have done
other montages on games, and they turned out spectacular.

8. I mostly play Judo. Sometimes Akido, and maybe Wushu every once a while. I will surely play any mod and have fun.

Please accept me!


3. 12

4.yellow belt (40 games to green belt) (second account)

5.iv been playing since 2009

6.legendarian (yellow) kylncvm27 (blue)

7.knows head texture art editing and other editing great at quick selling (you will get fast and high TC)
making enemies get out of the aikido ring

8. im great at aikido and wushu
Last edited by legendarian; Mar 15, 2013 at 08:38 AM.
1. Name/Nickname: Douglas / UmByte
2. Age: 19
3. Your country BRASIL
4. Belt ORANGE
5. How long you play in Toribash 3 HOURS
6. All your accounts XxXOwTyuXxXBR / BLACK
7. Your special skills (Art/video/replays)
if you have special skills post examples
8. In what mods you play the most? JUDO

I can not post to my account 'UmByte'
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Um guerreiro que luta por amor e entra pra ganhar !