Weekend Bash
Original Post
Stuck on "Updating your quest data..."
When I go into the Quests tab all I get is "Updating your quest data..." and the circle animation indefinetly.

Yesterday I tried to claim a repeating quest for (i think) 250TC and it got stuck on claiming quest.
After that I went back to Main tab to try again, but when I clicked the Quests tab it wouldn't load them anymore, just says "Updating your quest data...".

Things I have tried:
Reinstalling Toribash, version 5.46
Using a different PC

None of the things above helped.

If it matters, I am using the standalone version of Toribash (from toribash.com/downloads.php)

Help is greatly appreciated
Thanks in advance!
Everything works now.

Thank you for the quick response!
Victory is reserved for those who are willing to pay the price.