Original Post
Can I buy Toricredits with phone? And what do they mean with "mobile boosters"?
Hi, I'm new here and I want to buy/earn some more toricredits.

Is it possible to do it with phone? If I can, how do I do it and where do I purchase?

I really want this booster thingy, but I am a bit confused.

Will I get this booster on my account if I buy this booster with my phone?

Thank you for reading.
Hey Biskop. Yes you can buy a booster with your mobile. It will charge you $6.94 and you will get a 50 tc booster on your toribash account.

To do it, you need to click pay by mobile, and then it will bring you to onebip. If you dont already have an account, make one and follow the directions on the site.

I'm already assuming you know what a TC booster does to your account, right?

Hope I helped. If not, feel free to ask more questions.

Yes you will get if you buy it

You will only get a 50tc booster for every purchase. The instrunctions would be given after you clicked that button.
Last edited by PandaHero; Apr 15, 2014 at 12:46 AM. Reason: moar