Original Post
Replays missing dojo+dq
This may be an issue that's been brought up in the past, but I couldn't find a thread that had this.

Whenever I watch a replay from aikido or sambo (games with dojos), the replay has no dojo and does not announce the dq when it happens. This is happening both with brand new replays and replays that I've had for a while, and watched in the past with no such problems. I haven't been playing that regularly, so I can't say if this happened right when I updated to 3.1, but it definitely wasn't a problem when 3.0 was first out. (running on ppc mac)
This doesn't seem to happen with non-sambo.tbm replays, for some reason.

Does anyone else have a similar problem? And if there isn't a fix, how might I go into the replay's data and fix this manually?
Last edited by MDSteinkamp; Feb 18, 2008 at 08:35 AM.
I also have this problem.

Go into the replay you want to fix*, and where it says "sambo.tbm", rename that to "SAMBO.tbm".

No idea why this happens, or why this fixes it.

Only started occurring recently for me.

*(Right click, edit with notepad or notepad ++)