Original Post
How to be good at marketing
Hello! and welcome to the don't get ripped off thread!

1. Always go for the best price no less no more because there's always someone trying to get your money/tc

2. Remember to check you account and your checking transactions daily.

3. If you think you got ripped off there's nothing someone can do other than rage.

4. If you have unfair offers that no one will go for then be sure to say NO. It is easy for people to manipulate you into giving them much more tc than the item your selling is worth



1. Never sell a flame under 30k unless mass lag or to small to see.

2. Remember to keep an eye on glitches and errors for the flame you bought/forged.

3. If you forge a flame or buy one^^, and if there's a glitch be sure to contact a GM/SMod ext.

4. Flames are cool and worth your money in my opinion. So do not sell ANY FLAME within a week time period or your BOUND to lose money.

B. Joints

1. Never buy/trade with joints that are ANY less profitable than your own.

2. There are tons of joints and they are hard to keep track of. I suggest take a look at your transaction history and mark it down after and before a trade/sell/buy.

3. There just COLORS. No one cares about how one color looks unless it benefits the whole of your tori. In other words CHOSE WISELY

4. If you give any thought about buying one be sure to have created your tori before buying (just to add on to the above # ^^

C. Textures

1. These come in all different sorts of sizes and are fairly hard to make sets out of them.

2. Before you buy one make sure to know what you want it too look like. (goes both ways with joints/colors ext.)

3. They are insanely expensive for the different size groups. So make sure that you buy a formidable price to haggle with.

4. Joint textures cost too much and I suggest unless you earned profit in this game and not the money you spent you should NEVER buy them

D. Misc

1. These are what get most people broke. Misc is an item too!!!

2. Never underestimate the power they have because you usually have a lot of them so it's easy to lose 50% of your profit.

3. If you have plans for textures, DO NOT BUY THEM!!! I REPEAT DO NOT BUY THEM!!!!!

Well there's my conclusion. I will work on this thread and if it's in the wrong spot please pm me and bump it to where it's legal and noticeable. Thanks

P.S. Pm me for any questions ;)
Last edited by Ezeth; Jun 15, 2013 at 01:40 AM.