Original Post
Toribash Begginer Advice
New to forums so forgive me if I this isn't the correct location for this thread.

I'm not exactly new to Toribash, but I've only played it once every several months. Anyways, I've always struggled with the idea of tutorials for Toribash. I figured that all the really good players made up everything they did on the spot. Basically I'm wondering, did the pro's watch tutorials and incorporate the moves into their play when the started to learn and should I? or should I just try to invent everything?
Hey, I moved this to beginners sanctuary.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
So when you were learning/new you didn't watch tutorials or how to such and such an opener? Although you are a super black belt so youtube might not have been around when you started. I should just practice and then once I'm comfortable with my own skill then look at other players moves?
Thanks guy! I was scrolling down the forum looking for where I posted it and I saw the "Begginer Sanctuary" and felt pretty dumb. I guess it would have been moved and got lucky I found it. Not sure how to find my posts on my profile. I'll figure it out though.

Also I'm gonna dismiss this account or just let it sit and gather dust since I have no idea how to dismiss it. Created a new one "Kermiser" so that I could play more at my current level which is poop.
Last edited by Haathi; May 11, 2016 at 09:47 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Use the tutorials as a start point. then build your game around the moves you know. As you play you'll find you'll encounter the same problems. for example ending up with your toe outside the ring after a kick. my solution was to take a step. the more little skills like this that you find/get taught the more options you will find in game. if you have autosave on you can see what went right or wrong for you
Well, he has a new account now, next to that this thread is 1 week old. I don't expect him to reply on your tips. Closing so people don't give 1000 more tips to help someone while nobody reads it.
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