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DC Universe Online
Set in the realm of the DC Universe (Dunno why I state this), you basically get to make your own superhero and be either a villain or a hero.

This game is pretty great, it combines the instance/gear aspect of world of warcraft/everquest/etc. It has early level dungeons, called alerts. Then the same alerts become hard modes, and there are also raids (i'm not high leveled enough to know much about these, but I know they exist). The bosses actually pose a challenge and are pretty fun if I say so myself.

The combat system is great too, it uses 6 abilities at a time, and 2 usable slots (1-8 on your keyboard). I'm sure you hotkey more abilities, but I haven't figured out how to yet. It combines this spell system with an fps(ish) system, where you use your left and right mouse buttons to attack, and if you use them in certain orders you get to use special abilities with your weapons.

The PvP is just great. Hard to explain, but it's great.

The quests are awesome too, you get to mentor under a certain hero/villain and do missions based on who you mentored under. I currently mentor under the Joker and it's pretty sweet.

All this info is from my head, so far I'm level 14 with the level cap being 30, and this game is highly replayable and in my opinion is better than world of warcraft.

My character is

Motyapa - Blood and Glory (PvP) level 14. Anyone else play this?

I'll add pictures/videos later

Some Arena PvP (Capture the Point)

First Dungeon you get to play

Last edited by 2worlds; Feb 3, 2011 at 05:01 AM.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ