When you preview Jack o lantern, boxing gloves and kickin legs your foot, head or hands become invisible i dont know if its just me that have it or everyone has it
This happends when you preview the items that i said above and click default
The objects you named make their bodypart disappear, for example the Pumpkin replaces the head with the item. If you have 3d items disabled in options, the Pumpkin doesn't show up but the head still is invisible. Check "Always on" in Effects and you won't have problems.
Now that i think about it, happens to me too. I can't verify ingame since i'm not at home.
I believe it's just a bug. Once you press Default, it removes the items but the body parts are still invisible. Pretty annoying when you are trying some combinations of items and colors.
I also have this issue when I actually play. Same problem goes for when you preview grips. It auto grabs with that hand and you can't ungrab.... Ever. On multiplayer, have to restart my game multiple times.
I also have this issue when I actually play. Same problem goes for when you preview grips. It auto grabs with that hand and you can't ungrab.... Ever. On multiplayer, have to restart my game multiple times.
Yep, I've experienced this too. After viewing the grab in torishop it shows every play online to be grabbing and glitches the fight on our side.
[03:39] <idabosswiz> can't you just set up a pass for ddos?