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how to make uke invisible :D
1.Go to the torishop.
2.Go from the torishop to world builder. You will notice that uke is gone and you are in the position of the torishop pose.
3.Unload scripts and congradulations, you cant see uke.(you can see his motion trails if he has any.)
When fighting with someone you must first walk a mile in their shoes. Then you can be a mile away and have their shoes.
didnt know that
When fighting with someone you must first walk a mile in their shoes. Then you can be a mile away and have their shoes.
Originally Posted by tristar60 View Post
Screenshots for clan photo things liek that .

/op uke 0

/op hud 0

Easy as that.
I haz a Radioactive fetish.
yes this is a cool glitch but still i like using /op uke 0 and /op tori 0.i wath replays with /op uke0 and it looks as if uke is being pwned by the wind XD
Who the bloody sig edited my fuck.
Seriously? Again?
After making uke invisible type
/loadplayer 1 texman
/loadplayer 1 trailman
Lol, he has mad trails that come from nowhere O.o

Also, after making tori invisible watch replays, Uke gets pwned by nothing.
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