i have a question for some that may know? i dont know because i havent been able to afford the head texture to try it out yet..
but anywho...
i know this tutorial says the image file size should be 128x128..
is this because of the sites upload will only allow that size??

when using the THP i am able to preview the 24bit TGA's at 256x256
so, im a little unsure if the game will support it as the THP does..
or is the upload on this site just dont allow that size..?

i make cs.s- tf2- orangbox- hl2 maps and textures.etc... they are always needing to be in the same criteria 64x64 -128x128- 256-512..etc.. and up

could someone try to upload a 256x256 and let me know if it is suported by the site.and the game... cause i know the THP preview program will suport it..
and if i am able to use 256x256 ill be able to get a much better lookin higher res head texture then just the 128x128..

would someone test this for me and let me know please.
i cant afford the head texture myself yet to test this.. i am new to this game and dont have the tc i need to purchase it.
but am making textures for others with out being able to test them in game only in the THC.. if 256 is posible it would greaty increase what is posible with head textures.
