I was wondering how much do head textures cost. So, I can make a head texture first then buy the texture. Is it suppose to be 128x128? Then, when you are done how do you apply it?
I was wondering how much do head textures cost. So, I can make a head texture first then buy the texture. Is it suppose to be 128x128? Then, when you are done how do you apply it?
if u mean the item. it costs 2k (lower in the market). if u mean the picture which u have to upload that u see ingame. this depends how good it u want. u can buy 100-500 tc for a not good detailed head texutre. or u can pay 20.000 tc to get a good and high detailed head texture. (i would say, just get one for 20.000 if u have a 512x512 head texture item.)
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Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Take the land, that must be taken. Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Devour worlds, smite forsaken