Weekend Bash
Original Post
I do not understand flames at all. There r flames in game like u edit ure flame then u click buy and it goes to the forums. Then there r some things calls flame particles. Now wtf is dat? Just teach me some stuff about flames before I decide to but dem (not that I have the tc for it...)
"Death Before Dishonor"
Ok so what you referring to ingame is the "Flame forger" Where you can design your very own flame, of course the bigger and better it is the more it will cost so once you are satisfied with what you have created ingame then you would click buy which will direct you to the forums where you'll make the final payment.

Now the flame particle is the actual texture of the flame, so in other words the picture of each particle, You don't need this item unless you want to change the picture of your flame.

Heres an example of a Flame particle texture

Picture of mine with a FP texture

Last edited by Quack; Nov 5, 2017 at 08:51 AM.
Quack's Club

Pm me for help or if you have any questions.