Original Post
Toribash Next Issues Thread.
If a mod wants to make this a TBN launch mega bug/issue thread, not gonna complain lol.

So far, in my limited time, I've noticed the following. Please correct me if this is intentional, I have no issues with that, but some things just feel off.

Ghosts look like they need to be a bit more transparent, hard to see through to my joints, more evident when using a force/relax and a ghost that are the same color.
Can't shift + W to pivot camera
Can't scroll through room list
Can't filter sort by room name, mod, player count, etc.
Can't see who's in a room by clicking on the room, takes me there with one click.
Can't preview ghosts and bloods in the store. Perhaps change the model with an arm missing to visualize blood
Where the snowfall item is in the store, I barely could tell I could scroll horizontally to achieve the page to purchase it, perhaps a horizontal scroll bar added to show there are more options.

As I type this, my TC data failed to load. Not sure the issue that caused this but it displayed 0TC when I have 220. Reloaded the game, it was fine.
Last edited by ed; Jan 24, 2024 at 04:19 PM.

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