Original Post
Wushu Lessons
Im pretty sure this is the right place to post the thread but anyways.

Once I got to the blackbelt servers, I was bad. Half way to 2nd dan Im actually really good, can keep streaks, finally one my first tourney etc. But the one proest of the pro mods and where the most tourneys take place, wushu, is the one mod I suck at. people do crazy moves that I just cant figure out. I make moves in free play for all game modes and they work. But my mvoes in free play that are awesome for wushu, just dont work against helicopter, and other moves, they jsut dont work against moving opponents.

Anyways, after that lame paragraph that probably leaves no sympathy or care for me in anyway, my point is, I'm willing to pay for wushu lessons. My only rule is that your not a regular black belt (I want like a really pro wushu player) and that you don't charge me over 1k. Who's willing to train me?