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YouShop FAQ (made by FighterKHV)
Hey there. YouShop is place, where you can buy items cheap (or even uber cheap) But YouShop not so easy.

How to launch YouShop?
Very easy. Go to Torishop, see the User created shop button ? Значит вам туда.
Once you pressed on the user created shops button you will get to the YouShop.

How to make your own shop?
Press the New Shop button and enter your data for this shop (Shop name, description и тд)
If you want to make Premium shop, you must have a lot of money (beacuse you want to pay 50k tc per month). But you can paste your own picture and your shop will be shown up of the shop

How to search and guide in shops?
Press the Find Shops button, and you see all shops which have at least 1 item (number shows how many item in shop) Then press the shop which has liked you.

How to buy items?

If you in shop other people:
Press the Items button, look for item (or items), what you need, check the CheckBox and buy it

If you in the your own shop:
In the your shop you can buy, but it is top of idiocy - _ -
How to add \delete items in \from my shop?

Press button D.Inventory search for a item (or items) which to you should send in shop, press button Send to Shop. There you can specify for how many toricredits you sell the item.
If you the Authorized Torishop Keeper you can specify for how much Qi you need for this item
And to remove the item from shop, it is necessary to press button Remove from shop

How to edit my shop?

Press button Edit Shop, and edit as you wish

How to see the cheapest deals?

Press the Deals button and watch where you can buy cheapest items.

P.S My first ever Tutorial here
Name - The name of your shop.
Description - The description that is shown below the shop's name.
Content - Items you have for sale.
How to add items:

If you are in YouShop:

Press D. Inventory Button, select item, what you want to add to your shop, and press Add to Shop button and type price in the Price box

If you are in Torishop, Press Deactivated button, select item, what you want to add to your shop, and press Add to Shop button and type price in the Price box
good tutorial dude.

helps not only ppl who want to have their own shop but also ppl who wanna buy stuff
My deviantART
so wut?