Original Post
Anyone have 3.72 download?
3.83 has made me extreemely angry, i have just came back from not being on for a few months and played it.

What I noticed is that a single joint doesnt go to relax or hold like it used to, it just goes to contract or extend -.-

so if anyone has a toribash 3.72 download for windows please post it here
Membaof Element|My Sig
i tried already...

EDIT EDIT EDIT: Slipcan posted a 3.8(regulaar 3. download and it works for me this thread can be closed
Last edited by him3; Jan 1, 2010 at 01:35 AM.
Membaof Element|My Sig
you can play it but be warned
you wont see your updated textures or other updated textures coz 3.8 is the only compatible version to run this textures
besides ive been using Z X and C for along time now
i didn't even use mouse not even once
so try it ur self
it will be much faster download here

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Last edited by tertywerty; Aug 4, 2018 at 06:33 PM.