Original Post

Probably phishing.
Maybe something else.
I didnt click it because im not an idiot, so i dont really know what was there.
Someone can go to the site though.
..So you're throwing somebody else to lions and saving your own skin, eh?

Anyways, that site is kinda.. Errmm... Well, atleast it not phising site.. (Dunno if he really send those credits he promised..)

But yeah, the guy just wants to get free iPod..

If he pays what he promised I don't see any problem with it.. Tho advertizing it on ingame/forums isn't really allowed...
< Larfen> also my replay thread has more views than the rules thread \o/

...This probably explains most problems in this community.
It's a forum the guy made dedicated to getting people to click his referal links.
Not phishing.