Original Post
+Head Texture
Ok, first-of-all, im not really a noob but for some reason, even though my head texture is 128x128, and i saved it as .tga, it won't upload as a head. What's wrong with it?
I'm [Sexy]
.tga's don't upload anymore.
Convert the file to a .png.
It won't loose any quality but you'll be able to upload it.
I told you it uploads fine for me.
All my sets are .tga files.
And I can upload them just fine.
No issues whatsoever.
I know what happened
when you saved your head as a tga file you had the option Rle compression checked
Uncheck it when you save your head as a tga or it wont work.
hmm. ok, i'll try to do .png this time. thanks guys

i tried PNG and i waited a long time but it didnt work. what do you guys think is wrong?
Last edited by Manbasher; Jun 10, 2010 at 11:09 PM.
I'm [Sexy]