Original Post
What constitutes shoveling?
Could someone please give me a solid description of what shoveling is? I've seen some clear cut examples of it myself, but I was recently accused of shoveling when I really didn't think I was doing so.

ps. Is there a search function for these forums? 'Cause that would be even more helpful.

Ok, Well shoveling is when one tori holds the other and lifts and pushes the other to DQ. It can be used in nearly any mod, the basic shovel is also known as a noob clap, but a shovel can be any kind of lifting and pushing, using the feet is a more advanced version (using the legs to shovel is usally a kick) but yes the term is often thrown around by agro players.
Yeah, ok. I was in the Aikido semi-pro server, I would kick with one leg and grab with the opposite hand. I'd get a fair amount of lift and I'd try to use that to my advantage. Is there really anything wrong with that, or is that just someone getting agro because I was beating them?
Originally Posted by Ciarrai View Post
Yeah, ok. I was in the Aikido semi-pro server, I would kick with one leg and grab with the opposite hand. I'd get a fair amount of lift and I'd try to use that to my advantage. Is there really anything wrong with that, or is that just someone getting agro because I was beating them?

That's lift kick (as Fish said.). And no there's nothing wrong with it. It's annoying ('cause it works...) and it works well, but theres 6789^12 (maybe little bit exaggerated..) ways to counter and stop it.

Strictly speaking the 'shovel' is:
First turn: Hold all -> Lower both shoulders and contract both pecs -> Space
Second turn: Raise both shoulders extend both hips -> Space.
Third and Fourth just make your opponent to land out of the dojo.
And all variations of that... So you just lift him off and 'shovel' him out.

Perfectly executed shovel is hard to counter and because it give it's user close to 100% change of winning it causes aggro...
< Larfen> also my replay thread has more views than the rules thread \o/

...This probably explains most problems in this community.