Sorry, but I won't be giving it to you for 308.

Yes, there should be more script requests with tc prizes.

EDIT: As for the free version release date: that depends on bbdeath and moocow1.
Last edited by Zas32x; Dec 5, 2009 at 07:44 PM.
If you need to contact me do it here.
I am ready to pay 250tc or more 1k is my limit.
scripts cant be worth that much unless they give free items
Last edited by lilmali97; Dec 5, 2009 at 08:06 PM.
I bought a subscription to Wibbles so I think this quote is necessary,
"Be careful when gazing into the void, for it gazes back"
You don't get 16384 pixels of art for free and its not even an item. Neither do you get 11172 characters (538 lines) of text for just 1k.
If you need to contact me do it here.
zas32x: how much do you want for the full version? i think i could strike a deal with you, pm me :3
I guess Zas is not as cool as i tough. he wont give it even tough i payed,Also................... SCRIPTING IS FREE!!!
WOOT!! Flame: Hadoken L sent to you by Hamster 04:08 AMToriBot
Just to clear this thing before the night: I gave you the money back, drawing textures is free. Wait for the others to finish their business with me and you'll get the free version.
If you need to contact me do it here.
Isnt 308 ENOUF!!?!

script is free!
Texure makin isnt you have to pay 2K to make it.
2k is hard to make...
WOOT!! Flame: Hadoken L sent to you by Hamster 04:08 AMToriBot
100k is hard to make, too.

2k....heheh :>

He's going to release the original anyway.

I wouldn't mind it if everything was released, if that's what's holding you back from doing so.

Think of the payment as a donation.

All this demand more than proves how great this script is

I feel like Goku when I do it.
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
Guys, scripting is only free is the person wants to give it away, if they want to sell it, they can.

And i doubt he'll sell this awesome script for less than 10k,