Original Post
mute/unmute all scripts
mute all / unmute all scripts
download the two files that are attached, copy or cut them to the folder toribash > data > script, open toribash, and when you want to use the script just press escape > setup > scripts, select muteall and press load, you muted all!!!! and when you want to unmute all just load the unmuteall.
or the easy way just type /ls muteall.lua or /ls unmuteall.lua
You need the op and the script'll work. Its helpful when you host a tourney.
Attached Files
muteall.lua (204 Bytes, 117 views)
unmuteall.lua (208 Bytes, 96 views)
Last edited by MC; Aug 24, 2009 at 03:35 AM.
I thought only admins were supposed to be able to do this.
"The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane." -Nikola Tesla
You should save that on the script folder, and when you are oped you just press Esc, Setup>Scripts and choose mute or unmuteall.
put files into toribash/data/scripts
then ingame go
click mute or unmute then load depending.