Originally Posted by darkshadow8 View Post
Yeh, I know, but no one seemed to care...
Maybe it was just to common and often, so no one really cared about that now, tired of reminding LOL

Usually, you only get infra-banned for swearing if you're using it as an insult.
Originally Posted by coloo View Post
Usually, you only get infra-banned for swearing if you're using it as an insult.

Only happens when you extremely flame somebody though.
k, long post ahoy
The question was bannable offenses, so I shall fix some statements...

Originally Posted by Zinx View Post
The rules which people can be banned for can vary,
If someone does something a number of times, even if its a smaller thing.
They will be banned.

You pretty much said it, but I shall repeat...

Originally Posted by Zinx View Post

If it's just one insult to an other person, then it's pretty much an infraction.
But if it's heavy insulting, a ban will arrive.
This pretty much applies to every board.

Originally Posted by Zinx View Post
Double posting (If done more than once)

In several boards, e.g. Beginner Sanctuary and Support, you get 2 - 3 warnings before an infraction because those boards most of the time tend to have beginners in it.
Of course if the person is not a beginner, then it'll just be 1 warning, and after that a 2 point infraction.
Probably an another infraction after the first one, and then comes ban.
In Market you'll get an infraction on the first illegal double post.

Originally Posted by Zinx View Post
Useless threads (repeatitive)

It depends what kind of an useless thread is it.
If it's just a newbie posting something that has been posted already, just a warning. Probably the same thing goes for non-newbies, too...
Suggestions board tends to have this, and I think there's no infractions given in there.
And of course Beginner Sanctuary and Support... Newbies don't usually search before they post. :v

But then when it's something like a random title and then just smiley spamming... I would say that gives you an infraction.
Even if it's a beginner.

If it's a flaming thread, then a ban.

There's a lot of possibilities for stuff like "useless post", "useless thread" etc....

Originally Posted by Zinx View Post

Again, a lot of stuff goes to spam category.

If it's just smiley spamming, infraction.
If it's something like just "ok", then a warning.
If it's a post that doesn't relate to the current thread, but the poster says that he has his own problems... Then a warning if it's a beginner, infraction if it's not a beginner.

Originally Posted by doxsez View Post
Back seat modding: Acting like a moderator, while not being one

I'm not entirely sure about this, but when done repeatedly it's a ban.
If it's just once, it's either a warning or an infraction... I'm not sure.

Originally Posted by doxsez View Post
Insulting : insulting another member

errr this is the same as flaming

Originally Posted by doxsez View Post
not following the rules: Basically being to lazy to read the rules

All rules don't give you a ban if broken. :v

Originally Posted by darkshadow8 View Post
No pornography, no badwords, no racist
And no bad/dirty jokes

Pornography -> ban
bad words -> Nothing. People swear all the time.
Of course if it's aimed at an other person in a non-friendly way, then it's a ban, except if it's just one swear... That way it'll be an infraction.
Racism -> ban
Dirty jokes -> Nothing. Dirty jokes are told all the time.

Originally Posted by darkshadow8 View Post
Who's mapleleaf?

A Super Moderator.

Originally Posted by coloo View Post
Usually, you only get infra-banned for swearing if you're using it as an insult.

What the hell is infra-ban?

Originally Posted by darkshadow8 View Post
I don't really get what "infra-banned" means

Me neither.

I'm not absolutely sure that my every statement is 100 % true.

As stated, there's a lot of variables for stuff like "useless post/spam", "useless thread" etc. etc. etc., so if someone would make a post where was all infractions and bans, then... Well, I would say it would be many huge posts because of all those grey area stuff etc.

But I can say that Market is the place where almost everything gives you an infraction, no matter if you're a beginner or not. Remember to read the rules before posting there (warning: there's a lot of them)
Beginner Sanctuary and Support are the places where you get the least amount of infractions, because of the newbies.

Also, a way to find out what thing gives you a warning or infraction or a ban is to report a post that you think is against the rules, and then later you go to see what was done to that post.
Most of the time the moderators type a message like "This user was infracted for this post (reason)" with bolded and varying colored text.
Then you just can see what happens when you do that.

...Well, hopefully you all learned something from this. :v